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About Bowman Insurance



Bowman Insurance Consultancy Agency is a leading provider of insurance products and services to individuals and businesses in our community. Founded in 2011, we have grown to become one of the largest and most trusted insurance agencies in the area, serving thousands of satisfied customers. The group has interest across the country with our operations mainly in Kasarani and Githurai

To a majority of Kenyans, Insurance companies are good at collecting premiums but very poor in paying claims and that they take advantage of Kenyans ignorance in matters of following due process in claims reporting.

At bowman we review insurance companies, their financial strength, claim settlement processes to help you our valued customer make the best decision without regret.

INSURANCE; Is a Means of protection from financial loss in which, in exchange for a fee (premium), a party (Insurance Company) agrees to compensate another party ( Insured) in the event of a certain loss, damage, or injury. Its a form of risk management. Here at Bowman, we take this definition of insurance very seriously. We fully understand our business is service delivery to you our dear client.

Insurance claim; This is a formal request to an insurance company, asking for a payment based on the terms of the insurance policy.

The Insurance company reviews the claim for it's validity and then pays out to the insured or to the requesting party (on behalf of the Insured) once approved.

Claims Process; 

  • Claim notification - preferably within 24hrs.
  • Submit documents required. eg, Claim forms, Police Abstract, Driving License, Logbook, etc.
  • Claim processing and approval.
  • Claim settlement.

Bowman Express

  • Vision

Insurance solutions provider

By becoming the leading diversified insurance agency in our chosen markets, we empower our customers to achieve more and unleash their potential.

  • Mission

Your value hunters

By providing our customers with high-quality insurance coverage at competitive prices based on trust, integrity, professionalism and diligence.


We are a value and principle centric business, applying the following values in our everyday operations;

• Empathy- We work with you and by listening we tailor our offerings to meet your needs.

• Team work- to ensure we are proactive and responsive; we have a team-based approach where each client has access to specialist contact

• Quality – we aim to provide timely, effective, efficient and quality services to all of our clients

• Reliability – We earn trust by being trustworthy and accountable

• Customer focus- We put our customer needs first as they matter most 


We offer a wide range of insurance products to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

    •  Medical Insurance for both Corporates and Individuals (Inpatient, Outpatient, Maternity, Dental and Optical) 
    • P.S.V Insurance; Uber, Matatu, Boda, Tuk Tuk, Maruti
    • Private Comprehensive Insurance 
    • Commercial General Cartage and Own Goods 
    • Institutional Commercial 
    • WIBA
    • Contactors All Risk Insurance 
    • Goods In Transit Insurance 
    • Bonds
    • Personal Accident Insurance 
    • Professional Idemnity 
    • Domestic Package 
    • Occupiers Liability Insurance 
    • Fire And Burglary 
    • Motor Trade Insurance 
    • Travel Insurance 

Using our seamless online portal, it's now easier to buy your motor insurance cover by using a seamless helper dubbed as Bowman Express. The process is simplified with two key steps where you are supposed to add a vehicle and buy it's cover thereafter. The entire process is meant to take around 5 minutes and within a few minutes your certificate will be ready for download.

Bowman Express

Bowman Express allows you to purchase motor insurance cover instantly and access your certficate right from your portal account. First you have to login and then proceed add a new vehicle for you to buy a new cover using the seamless helper.

After purchasing a cover you will be required to wait for a few minutes for processing to happen and then you will receive a text notification from BOWMAN_INS sender bearer name that your cerficate is ready for download from the portal.

Kindly call us if your cover processing takes much longer or if the SMS notification fails to dispatch for instant follow up 24/7

At Bowman we are dedicated to make sure that the future of purchasing insurance is bright since our goal is automate the entire process to allow client enjoy DIY(Do It Yourself) insurance services at the comfort of their homes by using internet powered devices from mobile phones, PCs and computers.

Join us in the revolutionising of how we purchase and access insurance services as we match to the new disruptive digital era where data and information matters than ever before.

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